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JetCITYCapital ManagEment
30820 42nd Avenue S
Renovated 1,950 Sq Ft (3BR/2BA | Expanded to 1,950 Sq Ft 3BR/3BA
*Additional Features: Nearly 1-Acre Lot, 600 Sq Ft Shop, and 1,000 Sq Ft Warehouse
This deal was a referral, as we acquired a property nobody else seemed to want. Located in Auburn, this 1970's home was in bad need of a renovation; however, it was situated on a 1-Acre lot with two outbuildings. The location was a bit out of our wheelhouse; however, a good deal is a good deal. We renovated and retained the home adding an investment vehicle to drive our 2018 JCCM Auburn Fund, while also expanding our Short Term / Corporate Housing platform targeting Families and Groups.
April 2015
February 2016
October 2016
January 2018
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